Contraceptive Mandate
Posted By cmbuuck on March 4, 2012
Obama Gives Faith Groups One Year to Comply With Contraceptive Mandate
January 23, 2012
Despite a months-long lobbying effort waged by faith-based organizations — and close scrutiny from the media — the Obama administration announced Friday it will not allow religious groups an exemption from a federal health care law mandating that all employers provide insurance that covers contraceptive devices and drugs.
Conservatives: Obama Modifies Insurance Mandate, Changes Nothing
February 10, 2012
After two weeks of hearing from outraged citizens, President Obama announced today that his administration will alter the mandate in the federal health care law forcing religious employers to purchase insurance that offers all forms of contraception, possible abortion-causing drugs and sterilization for employees free of charge.
House Panel Grills Sebelius On Contraceptive Mandate Process
March 2, 2012
Members of a U.S. House subcommittee questioned Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about the mandate requiring Christian employers to pay for contraceptives and possible abortifacient drugs despite their religious and moral objections on Thursday.